Tuesday 21 June 2011

Who Determines the Sex of a Baby?

I have a couple of blogs that support parents who are trying to chose their baby's gender. One of the more common questions that I am asked "what determines the sex of the baby," or "does the father or the mother determine the baby's sex or gender?" I will answer these questions in this article as well as tell you how you can use the answers to your advantage to conceive the gender that you want.
So, What Exactly Influences Or Determines If You Will Have A Boy Or A Girl Baby?: There are actually a lot of influences that go into your baby's gender. And, I will discuss all of them. But, the most persuasive is the chromosomes found in the father-to-be's sperm. A man's sperm contains both X and Y chromosomes. These little guys fight and race to the mother-to-be's egg. If the Y win out, then the pregnancy will result in a son. But, if the X emerges victorious, the result will be a daughter. So, the father is very important in gender selection.
Varying Characteristics Or X And Y Sperm: So, now we know that these X and Y chromosomes are the runners in the gender selection marathon, but we don't know anything about their personalities. Well, the boy sperm is by far the faster of the two. But, there is also a downside to this. Because of it's speed, it crashes and burns rather quickly and can not survive in the vaginal tract for very long.
The girl sperm is extremely strong, hardy, and long lived. But, the flip side to this is that they are oh so slow. If all things were equal and the boys got to race the girl sperm on the day that both were equal and healthy, the boy sperm would likely win. But nature doesn't always work this way. Different days in your fertility cycle, what you eat, what you douche with, and the sexual positions you conceive with can all influence which of these chromosomes fertilize the egg first.
How Conceiving On Different Days Of Your Fertility Cycle Helps Determine Your Baby's Gender: There is about a five day period in every woman's menstrual cycle when she is the most likely to become pregnant. It's important that you are able to predict exactly when you ovulate. I like ovulation predictors for this, but prefer saliva as I find them more reliable. If you conceive around three days before your ovulation date, this favors having a baby girl because the length of time that the sperm is waiting around encourages the boy or Y sperm to die off before conception can occur. Likewise, if you wait to conceive until the day of ovulation, this will favor a boy as it allows the faster or the two swimmers to be healthy and virile in the race to the race.
How Your Diet And Acidity Can Influence Your Baby's Sex: There are recent surveys that have come out to indicate that women who consume breakfast, potassium, and a higher amount of calories are slightly more likely to conceive a boy. But, this really doesn't give enough information. The reason for the diet changes are to make your body either more or less acidic (or a higher or lower PH). This is because the boy sperm can't withstand a high PH (so if you're trying for a girl baby, you should raise your PH and you should lower it if you want a boy.) A way to make this process easier is to test yourself with PH test strips before you try to make any changes. This will keep you from having to guess your way. So, in this way, the mother is just important as the father in gender selection.
You raise and lower your PH by either going on a high or low PH diet and / or douching with the appropriate solutions based on whether you are naturally acidic or alkaline. There are food list and recipes to help you with this.
Dating Girls Guide
Dating Tips Service

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